Friday, June 20, 2008


(Click on picture to enlarge)

In life, you can either take the high road or the low road.
At "Ahhhh, Phooey", we prefer to dig another road underneath the low road and take that.

Apparently, some readers thought my commentary after yesterday's post had outed me as a religious man. Hopefully, this will clear up any confusion.


  1. "Hail Satan!"
    - Japanese guy from Rosemary's Baby

    If your theory about Hell on Earth is true, I felt a quote from a Roman Polanski movie is the most appropriate response to this latest posting. Gotta love that adorable, genius Pollack molester.

  2. I didn't know Polanski molested Sydney Pollack.

  3. Catch refuge on A&E's new series "Racists Who Can Spell the Ethnic Slurs They Use."

  4. Ah ha! See I purposely misspelled it to make a point that racists are complete idiots! Plus my dad's side is half Polish so that contributes to my typos.

  5. Here's a tip, refuge. Before you write anything, try to think about what you are going to write.

    Hmmm, the "Ahhhh, Phooey!" staff seem to think I'm an idiotic racist. I better defend myself because, if anyone knows me they know that I'm not an idiot, nor am I a racist.

    Here goes:

    "Ah ha! See I purposely misspelled it to make a point that racists are complete idiots! Plus my dad's side is half Polish so that contributes to my typos."

    Ah ha! I see what you did there, refuge. You claim to have PLANNED your misspelling to make a point that racists are idiots. Brilliant! But wait, here's where I get confused:

    "Plus my dad's side is half Polish so that contributes to my typos."


    I don't see the logic of using a self-deprecating racist joke outlining your tendency to be a doofus to prove that you are both not racist and not a doofus.

    I don't understand the logic, but, then again, I am only a human being with a rational mind.

  6. Well lets be honest, people who really do know me know that I'm a doffus. The women love it. Here are the grounds I was defending myself on: I'm not a racist I'm just self-loathing. See, being that I come from a Polish background, it's ok for me to say Polak, But I misspelled the slur because I'm Polish. Get it? Believe me, in my mind this all makes sense.
