Friday, July 31, 2009


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I know this is a quote from the Tod Browning Dracula, but that's only because it's incredible.

Click here for Dracula Gottfried.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Recovering from Sickness...

(Click on picture to enlarge) if you can't tell from the quality of today's comic.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Get It?! He's a REAL Skunk!

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This comic STINKS.

The OUTRAGE Continues!

Head on over to The Fightins for more mock outrage over Tuesday's article on the Phillies racist promotion department! and everyone else over at The Fightins did a great article expounding on the audacity of the Phillies in scheduling Italian Hertiage Night on the same night as a promotion about Guinea pig spies.

Everyone should be "angry" over this. I'm glad to be championing this cause. After all, "Ahhhh, Phooey" has always been fair to Italians.

Anyways, thanks to The Fightins and, as always,

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chinese Dollar Store

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Dear almighty Superpower China, I have nothing but respect for your culture, country, and General's chicken.

Check out The Onion this week. They have been sold to China.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This Comic Is Making Me Nauseous

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I threw up in my mouth while I was copying and pasting this crap together.


So, as an avid Phillies phan (so much so that I even spell it with a "ph") and hard-working member of the consumerati, I was recently looking to find tickets for the Phillies most recent homestand.

Sure, I could sit at home and debate who Raul Ibanez looks like more, Imohtep from The Mummy or Billy Zane, but there is nothing like seeing a Phillies game live.

So, I went to their website and checked out their schedule and that's when I saw it...

The Phillies seem to be a part of a league-wide shill-machine for Disney's newest animated flop, G-FORCE. (See: David Wright's awkward G-Force commercial here)

But, even more insidiously, the Phillies have also scheduled Italian Heritage night on July 24th.


Now, I'm not Italian, but that's pretty racist. That's like scheduling Polish Heritage Night on a day when there's no game. (To the Polish American Anti-Defamation League, I'm sorry.) From what I can understand, a large chunk of Phillies fans (notice I didn't put a "ph") are of Italian descent.

I will still be attending Phillies games (what else do I have going for me), but that's because they didn't trivialize my heritage by scheduling it on the same day as a shitty movie promotion about talking guinea pig spies.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

"Legitimate Businessman"

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This guy's name used to be Primo, but who's checking.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Photographic Memory

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Just for the record, Dolly Parton does not have a photographic memory. Of course, she DOES have photogenic mammaries.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Big Guy

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This character and the female character still don't have names. I kinda like Big Guy as a name.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Inside Man

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Hmmmm, this one seems familiar.

Who's gonna fault me for using the same joke?

Get over it.