Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Morgolth and Dave New Year's Special

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My New Year's resolution? I'm going to stop making Morgolth and Dave "specials".


Monday, December 29, 2008

Why I Don't Like Religion

Season's greeting, loyal readers. Now that the holidays (more like holidaze! Am I right?! No? Fair enough) are over I figured I would start off the week with some blasphemy.

I know religion is a pretty volatile subject so any hate mail can be sent to this website.

What is it about God that makes people so crazy about him. I like Doritos. No! I LOVE Doritos. But would I strap a bomb to myself for a bag of Doritos?! I don't think so! At least, I don't think I would. Are they cool ranch?

Enjoy the comic, and, while you're at it, check out this wikiHow entry on how to write a joke:

My favorite is #4.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Morgolth and Dave Christmas Special

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Whether you like Christmas or dislike Christmas or celebrate some other ritualistic farce, I think we can all agree on one thing: This comic is unfunny.

Merry Xmas, folks.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Healthy Fruits

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I don't mean this to be homophobic. I mean it to be xenophobic. Because I think Richard Simmons might be Mexican or something. French, maybe.

The Philadelphia Turkey: Christmas Edition

Click here to visit The Philadelphia Turkey, the only Philadelphia-centric news satire site that offers "News Youse Can Use."

This week, da Turkey is serving up a heaping portion of holiday infused hilarity.

And don't forget to check out the always awesome comics page.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Every Body Poops

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Like R.E.M. says, "Everybody poooooooops...soooometiiimes."

Anyways, I'd like to wish a speedy recovery to my own Pop, my dad! Take care-a ya new knees!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The War on Christmas!

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Join me, friends! Together, we can use our progressive liberal agenda to censor anything pertaining to Christmas! Why would we do such a thing, you ask?! Do we hate Christmas?! You're not going to make me acknowledge other faiths, are you?!


So, the next time someone wishes you a Merry Christmas, give them a boot to the neck and say, "It's Happy Holidays, motherfucker."

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Steal This Show" This Friday!

Corey Cohen of The Sixth Borough has a bi-monthly show dedicated to pleasing you. Yes, you! Come on down this Friday for some hot, comedic action!


Videos from The Feeko Brothers
Pat Kelly's Fantabulous Quiz Show
The Non-denominational Holiday Fun Brigade

Here are "the deets":

Friday, December 12th, 2008 - 8pm
1132 S. 9th Street (Btwn. Washington and Ellsworth)
BYOB, $10

Another Year...Another Heisman...

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Click here for the original Heisman comic I ripped of in this new one.

Two years, two comics, and two Heisman trophies I'll never win.

Here is a list of other childhood dreams of mine that will never come to fruition: hitting a home run in a major league park, becoming an astronaut, being anything other than a cartoonist, being a spy/secret agent, to be able to do even just one pull-up, tying my shoes the right way (not bunny-ears), and, finally, being a respectable and respected human being.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Animal Rights

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Philly Turkey Updated!

CLICK HERE to read the latest edition of the hilarious Philadelphia Turkey.

Every Tuesday, The Philadelphia Turkey updates with "News Youse Can Use!"

Be sure to check out their awesome comics section, here.